A New Contest of Epic Proportions!

Posted by Daniel On July 31, 2012 ADD COMMENTS

Announcing Silver Crescent Publishing’s first author and artist contest! We’re pretty excited about this, and we hope you will be too! While Silver Crescent has always accepted submissions for both artwork and writing (and we appreciate and view each submission we receive) this is the first time ever we’ve offered a prize for the best work. We’d like to think of it as a reward to our fans for their hard work and dedication to our realms.

The contest will officially begin on Wednesday, August 1st and submissions will be accepted until 11:59 pm the night of August 31st, all submissions, be they written or artistically crafted, should be sent to submissions@realmsoftwilight.net.

The categories are as follows:
1) Realms of Twilight short stories
2) Artwork with the dark fantasy theme of our Realms of Twilight Campaign setting

General Rules:
1) The contest is open to anyone not already associated with a major gaming or publishing company (i.e. Wizards of the Coast, Paizo, Etc.).
2) All submissions become the property of Silver Crescent Publishing.
3) Only one submission per category per participant.
4) Submissions must be original material created by the author or artist submitting them.

Short Story Rules:
1) Short stories should be no more than 5,000 words, double spaced for easy reading, and based in the Realms of Twilight campaign.
2) Content should not include sexual themes or vulgar speech.

Writing submissions will be rated based on theme, flow of words, style, originality, and grammar. It is far better to have a well written, grammatically correct piece that may be a bit shorter, than one that reaches the word limit but isn’t edited or appears rushed. Remember, as always, all submissions must be set somewhere within the Realms of Twilight.

Artwork Rules:
1) All forms of art will be accepted however the submissions themselves must be digital. If your chosen medium is physical (ie metal, wood, clay, costumes etc.) please take a clear photograph and submit it in digital format.
2) No drug paraphernalia, graphic violence or nudity should be depicted in any form and such submissions will immediately be disqualified.

Art submissions will be rated based on style, theme, originality, and application to the setting.

Now that we’ve gone through all of the rules, let’s get to what everyone really wants to hear about, the prizes.

Winners in each category will receive:

1st Place: a complete PDF set of Silver Crescent Publishing’s products via Drivethrurpg.com
2nd Place: a PDF copy of the Realms of Twilight Campaign Setting
3rd Place: a PDF copy of our latest adventure module.

Additionally, as the purpose of this contest is to bring to light the many talents our fans possess, we will be looking closely at all submissions for possible use in current and future products. We also intend to offer reviews for each entry in an effort to help our fellow writers and artists improve their skills and move ever closer to publication and infamy! Okay, so maybe not infamy, but you get the idea.

We are anxious to see the amazing creations our fans have to offer, so spread the word and start on your submissions, the contest is right around the corner!

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