Happy Yule!!!

Posted by Daniel On December 23, 2010 ADD COMMENTS

I know I am a few days late for Yule and a few days early for Christmas but Happy Holidays(!) all the same.  As I’m sure you all know I’ve been working hard on trying to get something out to you by the end of the year.  Unfortunately it now doesn’t look like it will happen.  There have been some snags on the Lycan’s Bane project that have set its release date back a bit.

I would also like to mention that it has not yet been determined whether the Lycan’s Bane adventure will be released only in PDF format or if it will be released in print as well.  I would appreciate any feedback and opinions people have regarding this so I can decide what the best course of action is.

The second printing of the Realms of Twilight Campaign Setting is on the horizon.  There have been a few edits to the book since the first printing.  Most of them have been wording fixes to more clearly communicate descriptions and such.  Others are just some formating issues that have been resolved.  I intend to release a free downloadable PDF that talks about the changes made so those of you who have purchased a print cpy will have an update as well.  As far as I can remember right now, no significant rule changes have been made.

That’s all I’ve got for now.   I hope you all have a great holiday and a happy New Year!

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