The Trial Ends… for better or worse…

Posted by Daniel On July 10, 2011 ADD COMMENTS

For the past month we have all been anxiously awaiting some manner of news regarding our friend Norm’s trial in Aruna-Nigh. From what information I’ve been able to gather, the trial concluded two days ago. Little Norm was found guilty on both charges: The slandering of a Lady of the court, and the destruction of the Goosed Gosling.

In an ironic twist, the court allowed Lady Serenei Valesworn, the noble Lady that Norm found it necessary to slander, to determine our little friend’s fate. My information says that the sentence will be carried out within the next few days. He is to pay the proprietor of the Goosed Gosling for damages of course, and then be polymorphed into a… robust human.

I’ve heard that polymorphing can have extreme effects on a person’s frame of mind. As such we can only hope that Norm will hold to our agreement and still be willing to attend our booth (#1944) at GenCon in just over three weeks. Keep your fingers crossed, and as always if I hear any official word from our friend I will post it here.

Until then, good gaming to us all.

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