Happy New Year!!!

Posted by Daniel On January 1, 2011 ADD COMMENTS

Well, I wished everyone a happy Yule, and with all of the holidays this season it just wouldn’t be right if I didn’t wish everyone a Happy New Year as well.  And at the new year we all usually look back at our accomplishments (or lack thereof) for the year gone by.  I thought I might take a moment to do the same for Silver Crescent.

Accomplishments:  Well, the company was officially founded after several years of pre-founding work on the Realms of Twilight Campaign Setting.  The company was created just prior to GenCon for the sole purpose of publishing the Campaign Setting hardcover book.  Since then the horizon has expanded a bit.  Although all of our projects are based off of the setting, it has spread out into a novel and two new adventures, which I’ve mentioned several times before so I won’t stick you all with the gory details yet again.  The first printing of the Realms of Twilight Campaign Setting is almost gone, and a second one will be on the way shortly.  Digital sales are also doing well, but they could always be better.  So if you know anyone who might be interested, let me know and I’ll get them set up and directed to whichever version of the book they may want.

Lacking: Well, I had hoped that the adventure Lycan’s Bane designed for 5-th level adventurers would be completed and out by the end of the year.  Obviously that didn’t happen due to some writing issues and hold ups in the art/cartography areas (mostly due to my own busy schedule).  Have no fear however, Lycan’s Bane will still be available soon in both print and PDF formats.  The official release date is March 1st.  If it is ready before then it will be released before then.  But I have no intention of rushing the release and letting errors slide through the process.  After all, people spend their hard earned money on Silver Crescent products, so I want to give them the best material I can.

Hopefully 2011 is as prosperous (if not more so) for us all than 2010.  Good luck to everyone in 2011, and Happy New year to all.

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